Technology Background
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) has found widespread popularity among scientists, researchers and engineers across the globe due to its accuracy, robustness, versatility, flexibility and overall ease of use. DIC is commonly used to measure 2D and 3D surface deformation and strain utilizing white light machine vision digital cameras. Correlated Solutions has offered turn-key 2D and 3D DIC systems since 1998, and continues to develop and add new advanced DIC products to our growing product line. More recently, Correlated Solutions has developed new software that utilities images from X-Rays or CT scanners to measure volumetric deformation of an object under an applied load.
The diagram above displays a typical setup of how the images are acquired during a test. The scanner acquires images at specific depth coordinates, and then Vic-Volume analyzes the image slices to construct a 3D volume made up of voxels. The individual voxels are the building blocks for the sub-volume, which contain the volumetric image correlation data.
A reinforced rubber matrix composite is mounted between two grips, and a set of reference images are acquired from a CT scanner at know increments. Each ‘slice’ of data is then analyzed to compute a static volume measurement. After the specimen undergoes a tensile load, images are acquired again by the CT scanner at the same locations. Digital Image Correlation algorithms are used to calculate the volumetric change or deformation at each individual voxel, which make up the 3D volume.
The above animation displays the internal strain (Ezz) of a reinforced rubber matrix composite undergoing tension. The volumetric strain data can be viewed, analyzed, or extracted as a volume or as individual data slices. The internal tension strain can clearly be seen.
Vic-Volume Software Features
- Convenient AOI selection method through “Tweening’’
- Semi-automatic initial guess computation
- Optimized for accuracy reduce non-linear optimization to reduce bias and interpolation artifacts
- Highly Advanced memory management permits analysis of huge volumetric data sets
- Volumetric 3D displacements & strains