DIC measurements on structural concrete

The ETH Zürich – on of our longstanding customers – provides on the following website their research project. They analyse the accuracy of digital image correlation within the scope of reinforced concrete. To the project members belong Prof. Dr. Walter Kaufmann and Dr. Jaime Mata Falcón.

eth-zuerich-2Full field strain measurement in rebar tension

test: failure phase.

User videos on Youtube – Civil engineering

Ravi Ranade

Test of a ECC (Engineered Cementitious Composites) Beam under 4-point loading.


Ravi Ranade

DIC measurement of a rectangular tensile specimen of High Volume Fly Ash ECC, loaded along the horizontal axis.


National Institute of Standards and Technology

The National Institute of Standards and Technology helps to measure stress in bridges. By using Digital Image Correlation they try to understand, what impact stresses and strains have to the failure or damages (tragic collapse) on the metal connectors for bridges.